New 4-H Foods and Nutrition Leader Plans Impactful Program


A new 4-H project is now being offered in Harvey County! Burrton locale, Melinda Bass has started to offer monthly project meetings about Foods and Nutrition. Melinda is a 4-H parent, volunteer, and alumnus.

Melinda brings years of expertise to project meetings, having an extensive background in healthcare. She holds a bachelor’s of science in nursing and is also a licensed paramedic. Her specialty is in Critical Care with an emphasis in Cardiac.

“I became interested in nutrition because there are so many disease states that can be improved or eliminated through good nutrition.  I have been in healthcare since 1989,” she explained.

“I am really looking forward to teaching our youth some fundamentals of healthy food choices. The earlier kids can identify healthy foods and eating patterns, the better off they will be beginning their adult years. This is education that they will use though out their lives and that of their children and grandchildren,” says Melinda.

Throughout 4-H Nutrition meetings youth will learn to identify carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Participants will learn the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, good and bad fats and where protein sources can come from. Learning to read nutritional labels will also be emphasized. Discussions about where our food supply comes from, and the steps it takes to get to the refrigerator will be held, as well as lessons about how non-perishable foods maintain a shelf life though preservatives and how to keep food at safe temperatures.

The Harvey County 4-H program is very lucky to have Melinda serving as the new 4-H Foods and Nutrition Volunteer Project Leader. For more information about volunteer opportunities with the Harvey County 4-H program, call (316) 284-6930.

Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183


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