Abilene City Band performs at Eisenhower Presidential Library holiday open house


ABILENE, Kan. – The public is invited to the holiday open house at the Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home on Sunday, Dec. 7. The Abilene City Band will perform a free concert at 2 p.m. in the Visitors Center Auditorium, followed by refreshments.


The concert begins at 2 p.m.; however, guests are encouraged to come early to see the recent renovations to the Presidential Gift Shop, which is located in the Visitors Center. Not only were structural improvements made, but new and exciting inventory has been added to make it the perfect spot to find that one-of-a-kind gift! Holiday shoppers will receive a 10% discount on all purchase.


“Each year we look forward to this concert, as it has become a time-honored holiday tradition for families,” said Karl Weissenbach, Director. “It’s also an excellent opportunity to view two outstanding exhibits — “World War II Remembered: Leaders, Battles & Heroes” in the Museum and “Be Ye Men of Valour: Allies of World War II” in the Library 2nd floor gallery.”


“The Abilene City Band is the second oldest city band in the state of Kansas and the Eisenhower Presidential Library is the perfect venue to see them perform. Abilene has opportunities for visitors of all ages including shopping, homes tours, craft show, and professional theatre,” states Glenda Purkis, Director of the Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB). For more information on additional holiday activities or to create a custom getaway package, contact the Abilene CVB at 785.263.2231 or www.abilenekansas.org.


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