K-State Hosts Midwest Invitational Meat Judging Contest


4-H and FFA youth from Tuttle, Oklahoma, top meat judging contest
in Manhattan

– Approximately 118 4-H and FFA members from seven states participated in the Midwest Invitational Meat Judging Contest in Manhattan on April 9. The event was hosted by the Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry and K-State Research and Extension.

“The contest offered a great opportunity to have students gain additional ‘cooler-time’ to compete and gain experience before their respective state contests,” said Travis O’Quinn, assistant professor and meat extension specialist. “We were excited to offer the event and host the large number of students on the K-State campus for this valuable learning opportunity.”


The top 4-H and FFA teams were from Tuttle, Oklahoma. Reginald Lane of Wise County, Texas was the top 4-H individual and Elizabeth Bailey of Tuttle among the FFA members.


The 4-H division included 30 identification, six classes and three sets of reasons. The

FFA contest included six classes, 30 retail identification, two sets of questions, and

six carcasses for yield and quality grading.


In order the rest of the top 10 in the 4-H division were Jacob Scheresky, Ward Co, N.D.; Kim Boyer, Tuttle, Okla.; Tracy Criner, Porter, Okla.;Sheridan Shallene, Wise County, Tex.; Taylor McGill, Tuttle, Okla.; Tyler Waitman, Tuttle, Okla.; Madie Marshall, Barber County, Kan.; Sarah Lowmiller, Tuttle, Okla.; and Rhyan Marshall, Barber County, Kan.

In the 4-H team division, Wise County, Tex., placed second; Porter, Okla. was third; Ward County, N.D. was fourth; and Greenwood County, Kan. placed fifth.


Among the FFA members, the rest of the top 10 included Samantha Turner, Porter FFA, Okla.; Zoie Halphen, Tuttle FFA, Okla.; Emily Snow, Porter FFA, Okla.; Breanna Thompson, Munich FFA, N.D.; Brooklin Williams, Tuttle FFA, Okla.; Walker Cook, Hulbert FFA, Okla.; Cheyenne Minniss, Jackson County Central FFA, Minn.; Zane Woroniecki, Hebron FFA, N.D.; and Liz Cantu, Porter FFA, Okla.


In the FFA team division, Porter, Okla., placed second; Jackson County Central, Minn., was third; Hebron, N.D. was fourth; and Hulbert, Okla. was fifth.


For more information:
Angie Stump Denton; [email protected] or 785-562-6197
Communication Coordinator
Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry


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