March 24, Våffeldagen 


Make plans to spend the day in Lindsborg eating waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Originating in Sweden, Våffeldagen is an entire day dedicated to the delicious waffle, and the upcoming arrival of spring. De smakar mycket goda! They taste very good!

March 23, Lindsborg Landmark Concert series

The Lindsborg Landmark Concert Series opens its third season with the Lindsborg Jazz Walk. The walk will feature jazz musicians at several locations on Main Street in Lindsborg, where a different style of jazz can be found in each spot.  Visitors will be able to hear professional jazz musicians play styles like bluesy mid-west jazz, west coast jazz, and piano-based east coast jazz.  The Jazz Walk will take place on Friday, March 23, in historic downtown Lindsborg.

March 23-April 1, Messiah Festival of the Arts

The Messiah Festival of the Arts will feature a wide variety of art, music and theatrical events beginning March 23rd and continuing through Easter Sunday, April 1st, 2018.

The Bethany Oratorio Society will present its historic and rich performances of J.S. Bach’s “Passion According to St. Matthew” on Good Friday, March 30, 2018 and G.F. Handel’s “Messiah” on Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018. The Bethany Oratorio Society has been performing Handel’s “Messiah” continuously since 1882 and Bach’s

“Passion” since 1929. During Holy Week each year in Lindsborg, the more than 300-member community chorus and orchestra are joined by professional operatic guest soloists for the performances.

Tickets for each concert can be purchased online at or by calling the Messiah Festival office at (785) 227-8229, ext. 8235. For all ticketing information as well as a complete festival calendar, go to

April 28, Lindsborg in Bloom

Feelin’ groovy? Lindsborg will be filled with cool heads on Saturday, April 28, for Lindsborg in Bloom, a celebration of peace, love and all things 1960s. Everyone is invited to join the fun and encouraged to dress up sixties style. Spread the love and come to Lindsborg!

May 5 & 6, Millfest

The 1898 Smoky Valley Roller Mills is put into operation once a year for the annual Millfest hosted by the McPherson County Old Mill Museum complex, located at 120 Mill Street. Admission is $2 for adults; $1 for ages 6-12; youth 5 and under are free. Tours begin every ten minutes. During Millfest, guides and millers walk visitors through the mill with all the machinery in motion. You must be 13 or older to tour the mill while in operation. For families with small children, a tour is offered at 5:00 p.m. Lively music will be provided by regional musicians. Experience a one-room schoolhouse with slates and chalk. Challenge your dexterity with old fashioned hoops and stilts. These are just some of the sights and sounds you’ll experience as you retrace the steps of a bygone era.

June 16, Midsummer’s Festival

A national Swedish holiday celebrated with Swedish food, music, dancing, art, games and the raising of the Midsommarstång (Midsummer Pole). This festival, held to celebrate the beginning of summer, is one of the most popular of all Swedish celebrations.  There will be live entertainment throughout the day for all ages, including Children’s World, blomkran’s (crown of flowers), Kubb, vendors and more. The Lindsborg Swedish Folk Dancers and the Folksdanslag will perform Scandinavian dances in Swedish costumes. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to join in the dancing, especially around the Maypole in Heritage Square! Food vendors will provide yummy treats. New this year there will be a Street Dance from 8:30 pm-11:30 pm! Admission is free to the festival!  Other Midsummer activities include The Midsummer’s 5K/2 Mile Walk, the 5th annual Kubb tournament, a night swim and an evening concert.

July 20, 21, 27 & 28, Broadway RFD presents “Theatre Under the Stars”

The 2018 production of the musical “Annie” will be held in Swensson Park on the Band Shell under the stars. All shows begin at 8:30 p.m.  Grab your lawn chair and lemonade for a shady evening in Swensson Park, located in the 400 block of North Main Street.  Established in 1959, Broadway RFD is the longest running outdoor theatre in Kansas.

August 4, Smoky Valley Classic Car Show

This show’s popularity stems from the shade-filled location and small-town hospitality. Growing larger each year, the car show gives out 100 awards to participants. Popular awards are Police Chief’s Choice and Sheriff’s Choice for the cars most likely to be stopped by those agencies and the Kansas Highway Patrol award for the car most likely to be stopped for no reason at all!  Dash plaques awarded to the first 125 entries.  Vendors, food and t-shirts located in the shade of Swensson Park from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  Located near shopping, galleries and restaurants.

August 25, Street Dance

Who is ready to get your dance on? Bring the family, your lawn chair, and get ready to dance the night away for our annual street dance!  On the 100 block of North Main Street.

September, Bethany College Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament

Enjoy one of the hidden treasures of the Smoky Valley with new and enhanced play areas of lush push mowed greens and established rough.  The 64-acre, 9-hole golf course features 2,682 yards of golf from the longest tees with a par of 34. Par for 18 holes is 69 with additional tee boxes available for the back nine.  This event is held at the Lindsborg Golf Course, located at 1541 Svensk Road.

October 14, Coronado Heights Run

15K, 5K, 1-mile youth run, and a 2-mile fun walk.  This annual event began as a program to encourage Bethany College students to better fitness, and has become an anticipated area event for participants of all ages.  The 15K run includes a 1 mile run up and back down Coronado Heights, with an elevation change of 300’. Chip timing available by Oz Endurance Racing.

October 15, Falun Classic 32-Mile Bicycle Ride

The Falun Classic is a fun, 32-mile ride on black top. The ride begins at 1:30 p.m. in Swensson Park, goes south on Main St, west on Highway 4, north and east on 6thAve/Falun Rd, south on Burma Rd/13th Ave, and east on Swensson St to finish up at Swensson Park.

November 10, Holiday Open House

Lindsborg Holiday Open House! Start your holiday season with a full day of fun and shopping in Little Sweden, USA November 10th. Enjoy this all-day experience as businesses will open at 10:00 a.m. and stay open until 5:00 p.m.

November 24, Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses across the country. It’s our local stores’ answer to the big box stores’ Black Friday events. This day is celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Shopping, coffee, warm Swedish pastries, cozy dining…. sound good? Then come on out and support our local merchants as we enter the holiday season. Find that special one-of-a-kind gift for your friends and loved ones. Show love, shop small.

December 1, Artists’ Studio Open House (Christmas)

Acquaint yourself for the first time or yet again to the welcoming artistic community of Lindsborg. Enjoy the rare opportunity to see local artists working in their private studios. Start at the Red Barn Studio and pick up a map to serve as your guide.

December 1, Snowflake Parade

The Snowflake Parade is for everyone! Don’t just come and watch, plan to be part of the fun. All snowflakes, Christmas bells, snowmen, reindeer, tomtes and ugly sweater-wearers welcome!

December 2, Jultide at Bethany

The Bethany College Choir and the Handbell Ensemble come together for a memorable evening of music.  You are invited to Bethany College’s Presser Hall, home of the longest running performance of the Messiah, for this holiday event.

December 8, St. Lucia Festival

A favorite Swedish holiday tradition, also observed in Lindsborg, is St. Lucia Festival celebrating the figure that is the emblem of light on a long winter day. The day begins at 10:00 a.m. with live holiday music downtown. Folk dancers, live Scandinavian music and a processional of girls in white carrying candles and stjärngosse (star boys) lead the crowd to the Bethany Lutheran Church where the annual St. Lucia is honored with a crown of candles and fire. Stay awhile and enjoy ginger cookies served by Lucia herself.

December 8, Old-Fashioned Christmas

The Old Mill Museum will be filled with the sights and sounds of an old-fashioned prairie Christmas.  Enjoy a shepherd sharing the traditional Christmas story in the stable, a guided tour of the historic Smoky Valley Roller Mills, Santa Claus, children’s crafts and cookie decorating.  Ring in the holiday season with this memorable family event!  Follow the glowing lanterns from activity to activity in historic buildings from 5:30-8:00 p.m.

December TBD, Christmas Cookies at First Bank,

Stop by First Bank Kansas to share your Christmas wishes with Mrs. Claus.  There will be sugar cookies for the kids to decorate and hot chocolate for all to enjoy!  Warm up inside before heading downtown to finish out your holiday shopping list.

December 25, Julotta

This traditional Swedish Christmas Lutheran Church service begins at 6:00 a.m.  Come early to start your day with the beautiful sounds of a brass ensemble sending the call to worship at 5:45 a.m. from the bell tower at Bethany Lutheran Church.  A memorable way to start your Christmas morning.

December 26, Annandag Jul

Annandag Jul means literally “another day of Christmas” an official part of the Christmas holiday in Sweden. Experience a traditional Lutheran Church service in Swedish. Service begins at 10:00 a.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church.


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