Application Period To Open For Spring Turkey Special Hunts

PRATT – Hunters searching for a good turkey hunting spot this spring, especially those with a young hunter in tow, are encouraged to apply for one of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s (KDWPT) Special Hunts. Through the Special Hunts program, successful applicants can gain temporary hunting access to select department lands, including state parks, wildlife areas, and refuges; Walk-in Hunting Areas; national wildlife refuges; city and county properties; and other locations where access is restricted. Because the hunts are limited to a certain number of participants, hunters who draw can expect high-quality experiences.

Last spring, 84 Special Hunts for spring turkeys were available to 165 hunters. Of those hunts, 25 were Mentor Hunts, 29 were Open Hunts and 30 were Youth Hunts. Similar numbers can be expected for 2018, and beginning Feb. 1, hunters can view and apply for 2018 spring turkey special hunts at, click “Hunting” then “Special Hunts.” Applications must be submitted before 9 a.m., March 5, 2018. There is no fee to apply, and the draw is open to residents and nonresidents.

Open Hunts are open to all persons with no age or experience restrictions. Youth Hunts are open to youth 16 and younger, who must be accompanied by adult mentors 18 or older (adults may not hunt). Mentor Hunts are open to youth and/or inexperienced (novice) hunters who are each supervised by a licensed adult mentor. Both the novice and mentor may hunt. Several hunts allow for additional hunters to accompany a permit holder.

Successful applicants will be notified by email shortly after the computer-generated drawing has occurred. Special Hunt permits only provide access, so hunters must purchase all necessary licenses, permits and have hunter education certification, unless exempt.

For information on permits, season dates, and regulations, visit and click “Hunting,” then “Turkey Information.”


Learn About Bats at Feb. 11 Fair

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 02:48 PM PST

GREAT BEND – Small bats, big bats, brown bats, red bats, all will be explored during the Kansas Wetlands Education Center’s (KWEC) Bat Fair on Feb. 11, 2018. From 2 – 4 p.m., the Center, located at 592 NE K-156 Hwy, Great Bend, will host a variety of free activities, including crafts and a cave-themed scavenger hunt, all designed to help visitors discover the fascinating world of bats.

The fair will begin with a presentation by Fort Hays State University’s Sternberg Museum of Natural History zoologist Curtis Schmidt, co-author of Bats of Kansas. Schmidt will provide a brief, informative report about several Kansas bat species, how scientists gather data on these beneficial nocturnal hunters, and the fight to save bats from a devastating disease.

After crafting their own bat, kids can complete a scavenger hunt in a “cave,” finding cave animals in addition to bats, compare bat wing spans, and “capture” and measure their own bats.

Visitors will be able to view KWEC’s live big brown bats, as well as several Sternberg museum bat specimens that will be on hand. Instructions for building bat boxes will be available for those who want to attract bats and enjoy the benefits they provide by controlling mosquitoes and other insect pests.

For more information, contact KWEC at (877) 243-9268.

Funding for this program is approved under the authority of the Endangered Species Recovery Implementation Funds, CFDA Program #15.657.


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