Celebrate National Wildflower Week Helping Native Plants and Wildlife


National Wildflower Week is celebrated each year during early May. Native plants, including wildflowers, are vital to maintaining healthy habitats. Their natural beauty is matched by their important role stabilizing soil (and preventing erosion), cycling water and nutrients throughout the environment, and providing food for wildlife.

Wildflowers wash across the American landscape each spring, splashing their brilliant colors and sublime spendor at national wildlife refuges across the United States. Pinks, purples, reds, yellows, oranges, and whites are just a few of the vibrant hues you can see.

Meanwhile, hummingbirds, bats, bees, butterflies, moths, and an astonishing diversity of other wildlife actively pollinate North American wildflowers as they blossom and bloom. The United States has 4,000 native bee species alone!

Milkweed (not a weed at all!) is one native plant particularly important for monarch butterflies. It’s the only plant where these iconic orange-and-black insects will lay their eggs. Discover how you can create a native plant garden in seven easy steps and explore additional tips for attracting monarchs to your local community.


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