Ducks Unlimited unveils revamped youth website


In an effort to utilize today’s technology to further youth knowledge and enjoyment of the outdoors, Ducks Unlimited (DU) recently unveiled a revamped Greenwing website.

Started in the 1970s, DU’s Greenwing program has been the foundation for Ducks Unlimited’s initiatives for youth of all ages.

The new Greenwing website,, was specifically designed for DU’s junior Greenwing members. Features include a myriad of activities such as printable worksheets, early reader features, waterfowl profiles and how-to-videos. Additional plans for the website include interactive educational games.

“Technology will always continue to progress,” said Dr. Ronal Roberson, DU’s youth and education committee chairman. “While the ultimate goal is to educate and encourage our youth to get outdoors and experience this gift, we feel that capitalizing on what our youth already know and use on a daily basis will help us provide that experience in a different setting.”

Also included in the website update is the “For Parents” section that discusses DU’s mission and vision, in addition to information about the benefits of the Greenwing program. Users may even view past event photos from Greenwing events across the country and search for upcoming events in their area.

“Competition for youth’s free time is always increasing,” said Mark Horobetz, DU’s manager of youth and education programs. “To continue conservation as we know it today, we must strive to educate the next generation of conservationists. DU’s Greenwing program provides these opportunities, and our goal is to enhance that experience through the new website.”

In addition to providing the best resources for DU members and volunteers, the new Greenwing website is designed with engaging features to bring the outdoors inside for youth to experience and enjoy anywhere.

For more information visit



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