Kansas’ 2018-2019 Deer Seasons Set



Kansas’ 2018-2019 Deer Seasons Set




PRATT – The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KWPT) Commission approved recommendations for the 2018-2019 deer season dates during the public hearing portion of the  March 22 meeting in Topeka. Commissioners voted unanimously in favor the following seasons: Sept. 8-16, 2018 – youth and hunters with disabilities; Sept. 17-30, 2018 – muzzleloader; Sept. 17-Dec. 31, 2018 – archery; Oct. 6-8, 2018 pre-rut firearm whitetail antlerless-only; and Nov. 28-Dec. 9, 2018 firearm. Extended whitetail antlerless-only firearm seasons will be open Jan. 1, 2019 in Deer Management Units (DMU) 6, 8, 9, 10, 16 and 17; Jan. 1-6, 2019 in DMUs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13 and 14; Jan. 1-13, 2019 in DMUs 10A, 12, 15 and 19; and, Jan. 14-31, 2019 whitetail antlerless-only archery in DMU 19.

Commissioners also heard Secretary’s Orders for 2018 deer season permit quotas, which remain largely unchanged from the previous season. While hunters may notice an increase or decrease in the number of available nonresident deer permits in select units – in response to required adjustment factors such as demand and population trends – there will be no net increase in the total number of nonresident permits available for the coming season.

The next KWPT Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 2018 at Memorial Building, 101 South Lincoln, in Chanute.


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