Marshmallow dessert


1 PKG (10 0Z.) miniature marshmallows

1 cup milk

1 cup heavy whipping cream

1 cup (3 oz.) fruit cocktail, drained

1 ½ cup (about 18) Graham crackers, crushed to crumbs


Put marshmallows and milk in top of double boiler.

Cook over hot water until marshmallows are melted. Cool

Whip cream until stiff and add to cooled marshmallows, in a folding style

Add drained fruit cocktail. Put1 cup graham crackers in bottom of butter 9×9 pan

Pour in marshmallow mixture. Sprinkle remaining graham cracker crumbs on top

Refrigerate till stiff (about 6 hours)

Can use chopped fruit if desired


Joyce N.


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