Penny’s Cinnamon Rolls


1 package of frozen Rhoades Cinnamon Rolls (12)

1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
1 stick of Butter
1/2 cup of White Sugar
1/2 cup of Brown Sugar

Icing from the rolls package

About an hour or so before you go to bed cook the sauce ingredients until they come to a full boil for 2-3 minutes. Set aside and let cool until you’re ready to hit the hay. Place the 12 rolls in a buttered 9 X 13 pan and pour the cool sauce over the top. Cover with Saran wrap and go to bed! The next morning you will awake to find a pan full of rolls that have risen all the way to the top. Bake for 20-30 minutes and ice while still warm.

Another colleague, Penny Chiles, gets credit for this fantastic recipe. My readers still comment on this recipe more than any other. Thanks for sharing Penny!


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