Sweet Potato Casserole



Sweet Potato Mash:

Marshmallow Fluff Topping:

  • 3 Large Egg Whites (90g)
  • ½ Teaspoon Cream of Tartar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract


Preheat your grill or smoker to 400 degrees. Prick the sweet potatoes with a fork and bake on a foil-lined pan for around an hour and fifteen minutes, or until tender all the way through.

Prepare the marshmallow topping while the sweet potatoes cook.

Combine egg whites and cream of tartar in the bottom of a mixer bowl, fitted with a whip attachment. Begin whipping the whites and tartar on low speed. Meanwhile, combine corn syrup, water, and sugar in a small saucepan. Before bringing it to a boil, ensure that the sugar is completely hydrated before adding any heat. Cook the syrup until the temperature reaches 236-240 degrees F. Slowly add the syrup down the side of the mixer bowl while whipping at high speed. Once all of the syrup is added, continue to whip on high speed until the fluff has cooled to room temperature, about 10 minutes. Move fluff to a piping bag fitted with a large piping tip. Reserve until further use.

Once sweet potatoes are cooked through, remove the flesh from the skins and mix with mascarpone, toasted pecans, and John Henry’s Sugar Maple Rub in a bowl. Transfer mixture to a deep-dish pie pan and spread out evenly.

From here you can either reserve the mash and cover it with foil in a warm oven, and then pipe the marshmallow fluff and char with a torch right before serving. Or you can pipe the marshmallow fluff over the top and place it in a hot oven and broil to char the top.




All Things Barbecue; The Sauce



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