St. Mother Teresa


We are in the season where we review all of the things that we are thankful for. We soon will be giving gifts to many who have so much already. But we want to show our love and generosity.  The fact that there is much in life that is more satisfying than just trying for things that are not ultimately that important. We give to causes that are close to our hearts and everyone is asking for more than can be given. So we have to pick and choose.

Kansans are close to my heart since my families on both sides came to Kansas early and made their homes here. I write about Kansans and have so many people that I consider to be friends that anything that happens to them hurts.

On the night before Thanksgiving a friend of so many had a terrible thing happen. The Hoy family at Cedar Point had their house catch on fire and burn to the ground. Many have been to the Hoy’s ranch to stay and witness the spring burning of the Flint Hills. Many know them as Dr. Jim Hoy’s son from Emporia State University and the most noted historian of Kansas and the West.

Only those who have personally had this happen to them can really understand how devastating this is to a family. The good news is that there was no one hurt. The bad news is that they lost everything.

What do Kansans do when things like this happen? We ride like the cavalry and do whatever we can. I had just gotten word about this from my friend Annie Wilson, rancher, musician, and neighbor. I was shocked that I had not heard this news sooner. The first thing that I thought is what can I do to help?

What can you do to help? Annie provided the answer. There is a Go Fund Me page started for the Hoy’s. Is it not worth doing a little less for the kids who would rather play with the boxes of the toys you give them this year? Is it possible to cut a little something from your own giving?

Gwen Obermeyer of Cedar Point has started the page to help the Hoy’s. Will you help blow the lid off of the goal? Josh, Gwen & Josie Hoy did not think that this would happen to them. They would be the first to be there for anyone who was in the same spot that they are.

Go to the Hoy House Fire Emergency Fund page on the Go Fund Me website and give what you can. Insurance can rebuild the structure and can put furnishings back into the home. But nothing can replace the personal items. But your friendship can go a long way to help a fellow Kansans life.

In tragedy lies opportunity. This is yours.


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