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Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly and Attorney General Kris Kobach sent a bipartisan letter to Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen objecting to a proposed water transfer between the Platte and Republican...
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Kansas News

Carpenter ants

I have been getting questions about ants hanging around trees recently. These large, dark brown to black ants can range from ¼ inch up...

Our Brain’s Happy Hormones

Our brain releases chemicals into our body that impact functions in our body, such as our mood. There are four chemicals that commonly support...

Wheat Scoop: Wheat’s Origin Story

For audio version, visit kswheat.com. K-State’s Wheat Genetics Resource Center unlocks future potential by exploring wheat’s wild past   Long, long ago in a land far, far...


Kansas Turnpike Authority updates

Cashless Tolling News Milestones continue to be reached as part of KTA’s conversion to cashless tolling. Here’s a few things to know: DriveKS is Kansas’ new...

This Kansas license plate design destroyed the competition with 56% of the vote

More than 30,000 Kansans voted last week on the designs for the next personalized license plates, choosing a design featuring the Flint Hills. The Flint Hills plate...

Keep student athletes safe during extreme heat

Fall sports are underway, but summer temperatures put players at risk It’s been a long, hot summer with high temperatures breaking records all over the...



7 outdoor activities to try after dark

By Renae Blum Blazing temperatures can put a damper on outdoor fun during the day. So why not head outside after dark? Bring a friend and explore one of the...

Keeping mosquitoes in check

Jacob Klaudt K-State Research and Extension news service Recent warming temperatures and wet weather patterns have created ideal conditions for mosquitoes, said Kansas State University entomologist...

Boat safe this summer with these top tips

With the kickoff to summer rapidly approaching, Nebraska Game and Parks reminds boaters to brush up on safety rules in preparation for peak boating...

Monarch butterflies just took a big hit. Midwesterners may see few of them this year

Celia Llopis-Jepsen Kansas New Service Butterfly enthusiasts in the eastern half of North America will have to look harder this spring and summer to spot the...

