Do The Right Thing




Mark Twain


With all of the division and in fighting in the Legislature there is finally an issue that should get one hundred percent approval. If they will just do it!

All of these years I have been under the impression that respect for a funeral procession was the law. It is not! I don’t care if I am in the opposite lanes of a 6 lane highway I will pull over and stop out of respect. And I expect my grand parents to come up out of their graves and whoop me if I ever don’t.

Respect is the one ill of society that is the root base for all of the troubles that we have. There is no respect taught anymore and those who used to do it either can’t or won’t do it anymore.

There is always trouble with people who are so self absorbed that they do not pay any attention. Years ago several funeral escort officers were killed on motorcycles. It got to the point that the PD and Sheriff offices in Sedgwick County were not allowed to work off duty as funeral escorts.

Times change and there are groups such as the Patriot Guard who will go out of respect on many processions. And they keep getting in close calls with idiots who do not show any respect for a funeral.

Common decency should make everyone stop and show respect for the deceased and the mourners. But today so many just don’t care about anyone but themselves.

As much as I hate government interfering in daily life this is a time that the Legislature should put the respect for processions into law.

Can’t all sides of the political spectrum agree on at least one thing?


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