Car seat safety


This Just In…Education and Training
Information courtesy of Kansas Farm Bureau’s Education and Training Division

Safety—Car Heat

Nearly 900 children have died of heatstroke since 1998 because they were left or became trapped in a hot car. It’s important for everyone to understand children are more vulnerable to heatstroke and that all hot car deaths are preventable. As parents, caregivers and bystanders, you play a role in helping make sure another death doesn’t happen. Highlighted are ways to avoid these dangers:

1. Never leave a child in a vehicle unattended — even if the windows are partially open or the engine is running and the air conditioning is on.

2. Make it a habit to check your entire vehicle — front and back — before locking the door and walking away. Train yourself to Park, Look, Lock, or always ask yourself, “Where’s Baby?”

3. Ask your childcare provider to call if your child doesn’t show up for care as expected.

4. Place a personal item like a purse or briefcase in the back seat as another reminder to look before you lock. Write a note or place a stuffed animal in the passenger’s seat to remind you that a child is in the back seat.

5. Store car keys out of a child’s reach and teach children that a vehicle is not a play area.

To see more information, explore the USNHTSA campaign.


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