2021 Organic Certification Cost Share Program Now Accepting Applications

Kansas Department of Agriculture


MANHATTAN, Kansas The Kansas Department of Agriculture has funds available for the National Organic Certification Cost Share Program (NOCCSP). Through this program, farms, ranches, and businesses that produce, process or package certified organic agricultural products may be reimbursed for eligible expenses.

The purpose of the NOCCSP is to defray the costs of receiving and maintaining organic certification under the National Organic Program. For Fiscal Year 20202023, the U.S. Department of Agricultures Farm Service Agency is revising the reimbursement amount to 50 percent of the certified organic operations eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $500 per scope. Scopes include the areas of crops, livestock, wild crops, and handling (i.e., processing). This change is due to a limited amount of funding available and will allow a larger number of certified organic operations to receive assistance.

FSA awards the NOCCSP funds to eligible state agencies that serve as administering entities who work directly with organic operations to reimburse organic certification costs. The current period of qualification for organic operations seeking reimbursements is from Oct. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021. Applications are now being accepted through Dec. 15, 2021, or until all funds are expended, whichever comes first. For this year, applications may be submitted either by mail or email.

It is the mission of KDA to support all facets of agriculture, including lending support to those who wish to market and sell their products as certified organic. For more information, go to the KDA website at agriculture.ks.gov/OrganicCostShare or contact KDA economist Tori Laird at [email protected] or 785-564-6726.
2021 Organic Certification Cost Share Program Now Accepting Applications.pdf


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