Safety—Icy Conditions


This Just In…Education and Training
Information courtesy of Kansas Farm Bureau’s Education and Training Division

Safety—Icy Conditions
Precipitation and freezing temperatures can produce dangerous conditions when working outdoors. These icy conditions can cause severe injuries because of a slip and fall, especially in an agricultural setting. By following these guidelines, you may be able to reduce the risk of an ice-related injury.

Wear footwear that has slip resistance and traction.
Take short steps to ensure that your torso stays balanced over your feet.
Keep your hands out of your pockets.
Utilize handrails and other unmoving objects to maintain stability.
Apply salt, sand, gravel, or floor dry to travel paths to provide texture for traction.
Use grassy areas as travel path to increase traction.
Take extra precaution around livestock water areas.
Use special care when entering and exiting vehicles or equipment.
Use 3 points of contact when mounting or dismounting large equipment. This could be one hand and two feet or two hands and one foot.
Ensure there is solid footing on the ground before final dismounting.
Resource: Ohio State University’s Preventing Slips and Falls during Icy Conditions


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