Lawn Care for Fall Tips


With summer winding down, this is the perfect time to gather with friends and enjoy the outdoors. We wait all winter and spring to enjoy our lush and bountiful backyard, but that doesn’t mean we wait until spring to work on it.

We often think Spring is the most critical lawn care season, but in reality, fall can have just as much, if not more, impact on the health of your lawn year- round.

By the end of summer, our lawn is probably showing areas of dryness from the summer heat and drought conditions. Don’t worry, grass is very resilient and fall is a recovery period. As temps lessen and the days get shorter (oh I hate that), this helps reduce the amount of stress on our lawns.

Getting started with these key practices are ones you want to add to your fall yard maintenance to ensure your lawn is getting the most out of this fall season. I’ll be sharing a complete guide to fall lawn care tips soon. Included will be a free printable for all your Fall lawn care needs that you can use year after year.

  • Weeding – Choose a cool day and get your weeding finished. Moist ground is always easier to weed than dried out soil.
  • Aerating -A Core Aerator machine has hollow tines that pull of small plugs of soil. This allows increased movement of water, nutrients, and oxygen into the soil, this promotes new growth. For high trafficked areas and thatch build-up, you can rent a core aerator or hire a pro.
  • Reseeding – Seeding or reseeding is one of the key components of fall lawn care. By doing this after summer’s heat subsides and before the winter freeze, homeowners can repair seasonal wear while giving their lawn an eight to nine months jumpstart on root growth. The longer and stronger root growth is, the less water your turf will require in the future. This also makes your grass more resistant to disease. We purchase our grass seed from Oregon grass seed farmers. With Oregon being the grass seed capital of America and living here in the pacific northwest, it only makes sense to buy our seed from the world’s best seed growers! Even if you’re not in the PNW, check the labels of any grass seed, and I’m sure it comes from Oregon grass seed farmers! Check the seed label to select the right blend for your area. Supporting farmers, especially Oregon farmers is a long time tradition for this Oregon born and raised girl.
  • Fertilizing 

    These four steps when needed, will help a lawn immensely and show nearly immediate results come spring! This means less work to get the lawn you want!

    When to Start Fall Lawn Care

    Once temps are consistently below 60 degrees, it’s time to get busy! This is when your lawn transitions to fall and will store up nutrients in preparation for winter. Buy your seed now so you’ll be prepared and ready to tackle this project.


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