Miracles in Ghana


Pat Cramton
Guest Columnist

I just returned from a 4 month school of evangelism training with CFAN finishing with a 3 week initiation trip to Ghana. I have always been interested in learning more about crusade evangelism since watching Billy Graham. When the opportunity presented itself and I got selected to join the Bootcamp my family agreed to let me go. It was an intense 3 months training in Orlando, Florida complete with the hurricane experience followed by field experience in Ghana.
144 of us started the class with 122 able to complete the mission trip. My class mates were from 19 nations so I learned alot about the world. We were able to do 2,862 outreaches with 580,293 people in attendance followed by 350,693 documented decisions for Christ. We also saw over 1,700 miracles and healings. Cripples walking for the first time, blind eyes opened, deaf ears opened, lame walking, dumb speaking. Many of the things we saw were verified by whole villages and family members. We also saw proof through X-Rays and doctors reports.
All this followed by several hundred thousands attending a mass crusade the last 4 nights. Rain or shine people came and for this country girl it was an amazing sight never having seen so many people in one place in my life.
Due to the late return we are unable to do the Christmas Extravaganza this year but hope to return to it next year. Merry Christmas!
Pat works for Christ for all Nations, which has seen over 86 million documented decisions for Christ.
Christ for all Nations was founded in 1940 by Reinhard Bonnke ministering in Mass Crusades working with Local Churches.


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