Roger’s view from the hills: Can you go back home?

      They always say that you cannot go back home.  In many ways this is true for we never live in the times past but only remember them.  I find that when I go back to places in my past there are a lot of good memories alive even if nothing else is.  It is always fun to set in and feel the old times yet you are still there on a visit and have to come home, where ever that is now.
      After visiting my clinic in Wichita if I time it right I avoid the traffic and travel around on paved county roads.  I find many more today than when they were a part of my fire response district.  I end up at my old stomping ground on the west end of Cheney Lake at Mt. Vernon at Creations Restaurant.
      Now Mt. Vernon has grown since a couple farm and storage sheds went up but I think the population is still around six or seven.  At the old country store next to the spot that the old dance hall sat is Creations Restaurant.
      When I moved from poetry into music there were several of us that could see that a corner that was not in real use would be a great place to put a small stage.  Steve, the owner, was great with the idea and in a couple weeks time a stage was built and the music started.
      Every Thursday night there would be musicians wander in and out.  There might be 3 or 30 you never knew.  We had a regular crowd and it was a fun place.  I was a member of the Western Music Association and was working with the best guitar player I have ever known named Gerald Walters.  He was one of the Kingman County crowd who grew up with music in their homes on Saturday nights.  This before TV, CD, downloads, and when you charged the battery’s on the radio to listen to the Grand Ole Opry in the parlor with the neighbors.
I still get to visit with old friends and there is the memory of Prairie Dog Lafferty who I swear still haunts the place.  Sometimes a few of the local musicians pop in for a jam session.  I swear that jam session music is the best even if it is off key or the mikes are not right.  It is that live feel that makes the music special.
Since I have been fighting health issues I have no air and when I was asked if I would sing a couple songs, I had to go by faith because I was not sure the voice was still there.  Well there was enough that I had a great time.  There is going to be something special happen at Creations around my birthday so stay tuned.
I guess you can go home for a little bit.  But I still had to get on the road and get across that Barber County line.  Good memories.


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