Answering the call: Kansas State University to host 15 farm bill meetings


K-State Teams With Sponsors to Help Ag Producers with Big Decisions

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Farmers are faced with some of the most important decisions of their working lives under the 2014 Farm Bill. To help them make informed decisions, K-State Research and Extension is teaming with several sponsors to bring 15 educational meetings to Kansans in January and February.

“USDA has stated that farmers have at least until March 31 to elect one of the commodity programs,” said Art Barnaby, agricultural economist with K-State Research and Extension. “Once a commodity program is elected, that farm serial number is locked in for the next five years, so these are important decisions.”

Starting in January 2015, Barnaby and K-State agricultural economist Mykel Taylor will travel the state to provide information on commodity programs and the economic tradeoffs between the options, as well as major changes to crop insurance. Representatives of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency also will discuss commodity program procedures.

The half-day meetings will cover decision aid tools that were funded by the USDA, as well as a new Excel-based tool developed by Oklahoma State University and K-State, designed to help agricultural producers make decisions as they examine their options.

Besides K-State, major sponsors include Ag Risk Solutions, ARMtech Insurance Services, Farm Credit Associations of Kansas, and ProAg.

Farm Bill meeting dates and locations include:

Jan. 12 – Wichita

Jan. 13 – Pittsburg

Jan. 14 – Emporia

Jan. 15 – Ottawa

Jan. 20 – Salina

Jan. 21 – McPherson

Jan. 22 – Pratt

Jan. 26 – Goodland

Jan. 27 – Scott City

Jan. 28 – Liberal

Jan. 29 – Dodge City

Feb. 10 – Phillipsburg

Feb. 11 – Hays

Feb. 12 – Marysville

Feb. 13 – Atchison


More detailed information, including how to register at a preferred location and details about supporting sponsorships, is available at Further information also is available by contacting Rich Llewelyn at [email protected].


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