A Cowboy’s Faith


By Frank J. Buchman


One Transition Quite Costly


“If there’s a way to make a mistake, it will be made.”


Then, somebody comments: “How in the world could anybody make an error like that?”


It’s easy to make a blunder, and likely nobody makes more that we do.


Yet, handling as many different projects daily, percentagewise it’s not that bad considering records of scoring in all fields of endeavor.


While computers obviously speed up communications, mix-ups increase appreciably as well.


Foremost reason for inaccuracies seems to be people’s lack of concern, not paying attention, and just shrugging off booboos when they are made.


Secondly, computers work so fast, that one wrong key punch can completely destroy, alter or change meaning entirely.


In days of manual typewriters, linotype machines and the like, progress was slow, but there was very careful proofreading and correcting.


Even if a computer “spell check” is used, and many apparently don’t utilize that service, it doesn’t know the difference between “hear” and  “here,” and many other words of same pronunciation, yet unalike meaning and spelling.


Literally thousands of times we’ve read, reread, and corrected writings, sent them to press, and when they’re printed, there are incomprehensible errors that we failed to fix in the original copy.


Yet, there  are often occasions that slipups have arisen in transmission from one to another and to another.


Today, immediately after writing, most people push a button, and send it e-mail, Facebook, website, airwave, to the printer or the press, within seconds.


There seem very few attempts to correct, perfect. Majority do no editing whatsoever. Rare sources have a proofing force on staff. Writings go straight to the public, and muddles are around the world in a breath.


Just think what transitions or confusions with numbers can do. Add a zero on 10,000, that’s 10 times the intended. Add a second zero, that’s 100 times the intended.  The rich become poor, the poor come rich in keypunches. How often does this happen? Probably fortunate that we don’t know.


Reminds us of Psalm 49:8: “The ransom is costly.”  And, Malachi 1:14: “It is an expensive sacrifice.” Providentially, Jeremiah 15:19: “If you return and give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair, then I will give you again a settled place of quiet and safety.” Hopefully,Then Genesis 43:12: “Payback double so nothing will be lost.”




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