Medicare prescription plan


If you have a Medicare Prescription Plan, it is time to check it.  Is it the best plan for 2016?  All Medicare beneficiaries can shop and compare during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) to find the best option for 2016.  Plans change so be sure to check.  You can check yourself by using the planfinder at between October 15 and December 7 (AEP).   Plans become effective January 1, 2016.  We are taking appointments   and using the planfinder to help beneficiaries decide if they need to change plans for 2016 or stay with their 2015 plan.  We have willing and capable volunteers to assist you. Just call 316-284-6930 and make an appointment.  Actually, it is painless and we are glad to help.

The following locations are available to assist you. Appointment is required, please call.


K-State Research & Extension, Harvey County – 316-284-6930

Asbury Park – 316-283-4770, ext. 1101

Burrton Library – 316-284-6930

Halstead Senior Center – 316-835-2283 (Call 1:00 – 3:00 PM)

Harvey County Dept. on Aging – 316-284-6880

Hesston Senior Center – 620-327-5099

Grand Central, Newton – 316-283-2222

Sedgwick Senior Center – 316-772-0393

Trinity Heights United Methodist Church – 316-283-6410

Tues Evening @ Ext. Office – 316-284-6930

Medicare continues to move forward.  One hundred percent of Medicare beneficiaries—including Medicare Advantage enrollees—have access to recommended Medicare-covered preventive services at zero cost sharing.


The average number of plan choices per beneficiary remains consistent in 2016 as compared to 2015, and access to supplemental benefits, such as dental and vision benefits, is growing.

Part D enrollees are benefiting from quality improvement among plans with about one-third of prescription plan enrollees in plans with four or more stars, compared to 27 percent of enrollees in such plans in 2009.


Part D prescription drug plan in 2016 will remain stable, at an estimated $32.50 per month.  In 2010, the average premium of such a plan was $31.94.


Betty Lanzrath, Harvey County a Senior Health Insurance Counselor of Kansas, will provide the program, “When I’m 64”.  The program is a Medicare 101 talk offered on October 29, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Grand Central, 122 E. 6th Street, Newton, Kansas.  Call 316-283-2222 and let them know you are coming.  They will save a place for you.


As you get closer to the eligibility age for Medicare, you may find yourself with a lot of questions. Grand Central’s Medicare 101 seminar will help you wade through the paperwork and requirements to make sure you get signed up right.

By Susan Jackson, County Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science



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