Laugh Tracks – A Nostalgic Christmas Tree


Ah, recall nostalgic Christmases,
Not so many years ago.
That fondly stir up memories,
And tug our heart-strings so.

T’was back when the old Christmas tree,
Was a cedar, not a pine.
That Dad cut from the Back 40,
And for us kids, that was fine.

We enjoyed tramping out with Dad
Down the creek and up the hill,
‘Til we found the perfect size and shape
That for Mom would fit the bill.

Dad’s hand saw brought down the tree,
And trimmed the trunk just right.
And, when standing in the living room.
It made kids’ eyes shine bright.

Then came the fun we all looked for,
Trimming the tree on Christmas Eve.
Using just the stuff we found at home
Or Mom pulled out her sleeve.

Cranberries strung end to end,
Popcorn garland and popcorn balls
Became our homemade ornaments
And fond memories to us all.
A star made out of tinfoil,
Adorned the cedar’s tip.
A few glass globes with history
Went on ,with eggnog’s sip.

Tinsel cut from aluminum foil,
Provided the final touch
That put the sparkle to the tree
That we all enjoyed so much.

Alas, the tree was finished
Standing fine in all its glory.
Then was time for Dad to read,
The true Biblical Christmas story.

About Joseph and his Mary
And baby Jesus ‘neath a star
With animals and shepherds
And wise men from afar.

Then us kids were sent to bed,
Heated blankets kept us warm.
We slept with great anticipation
Of presents the following morn.

We woke wide-eyed before the dawn,
And down the stairs we flew
To find ol’ Santa’d made his trip.
We weren’t surprised. We knew!

Sure enough, we found our presents
In our stockings and ‘neath the tree.
One toy, flannel shirt and knitted cap,
An apple and orange to eat with glee.

Electronic gadgets? There were none.
Just common stuff we’d need.
But, oh, the memories we made
Nostalgic tree? Why, yes, indeed!
Wishing all the very best wishes for the Christmas season and the upcoming 2017 New Year? Have a good ‘un.


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