Smith County Members Help With Recovery Effort


Christa Baumann has shared via facebook that a number of Gentlemen of Smith County, Kansas are headed South today with over $5,000 worth of supplies. Not including the supplies picked up in Smith Center, Concordia or Minneapolis!!

We’ve got 4 full trailer loads.

Names of the men pictures in order from Left to Right.
Steve Kuhlman (Smith County)
Bob Struckhoff (Smith County)
Kaid Baumann (Smith County)
Tom Holthaus (Centralia, KS)
Gary Gerstenkorn (Smith County)
David Sasse (Smith County)
Bob Wire (Smith County)

The trailers include the following but not limited to:

47+ rolls of barbed wire
250 wood posts
500 steel posts
50+lbs of staples
50lbs of tie wire
20+ cases of water
# of Gatorade cases
Milk replacer
Calf bottles
And countless various items such as paper goods, eye drops, wipes, Chapstick and snacks for volunteers.
AND an envelope full of monetary donations!



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