Abilene: Eisenhower Presidential Library will present “The Right to Bear Arms” event on October 25


Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum & Boyhood Home, 200 Southeast Fourth Street, will present the second part of the program that celebrates the Bill of rights 225th Anniversary is scheduled to take place 7 P.M. October 25.  “The Right to Bear Arms” will focus on the second amendment and the right to bear arms in a world where gun violence is increasingly common. The issue is critical to the lives of Kansans as new open carry laws increase the presence of firearms. As a reminder, firearms are not allowed on the Eisenhower Presidential Library campus, as it is federal property. For more information on the program contact the Museum at 785-263-6700 or visit: https://wwwhttps://www.eisenhower.archives.gov/.eisenhower.archives.gov/


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