Chickadee Checkoff Provides Big Support For Wildlife


Non-game species ­– species that are not trapped, fished or hunted – make up more than 99 percent of Kansas’ wildlife. Kansans share the state with more than 4,500 different types of nongame species including birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans and mollusks and all of them need support in some way. The Kansas Nongame Wildlife Improvement Program, also known as Chickadee Checkoff, provides individuals the opportunity to support nongame species through tax-deductible donations. Money collected from these donations goes directly to a variety of nongame wildlife research, habitat enhancements/restorations, and educational projects.

To make a contribution, taxpayers simply need to mark the Chickadee Checkoff box on their state income tax forms (line 36 on K40 form) and designate the amount they would like to donate. There is no minimum or incremental requirement. Donations can also be made directly to the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) any time throughout the year by addressing the donation to Chickadee Checkoff c/o KDWPT 512 SE 25th Ave, Pratt, KS 67124.

Private donations are crucial in funding these vital programs since Chickadee Checkoff proceeds are matched by federal funds. Contributions have been steadily decreasing in recent years, making it imperative that Kansans mark the Chickadee Checkoff box this year. With the support of the Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants (KSCPA), KDWPT hopes to see more boxes checked this tax season.

For more information, visit

Take an active part in managing and conserving Kansas’ diverse wildlife for future generations. Check the chickadee.


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