Follow heart-healthy tips to help prevent a heart attack


American Heart Month is a great time to make sure you are keeping your heart healthy. Healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, not smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight lessens your risk of a heart attack. Your blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels are two ways to see if you are at risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke.

A total blood cholesterol of 200mg/dL is ideal. Your total cholesterol is made up of three parts: low-density lipoproteins (LDL), high density lipoproteins (HDL) and triglycerides…

A blood pressure of 120/80 is ideal. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart attack and strokes. Some of the ways to lower your blood pressure are the same tips to lower your cholesterol…

To learn more about what these levels mean and how to stay in the healthy range, see the full version of this article at




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