Girls Day Out


When I was growing up every girl had a best friend they could do things with. I depended on my girlfriend for fun times and to have my back if need be. My girlfriend, when we were in school, especially in grade school was my constant companion.

After school we were either at her house or mine doing things or just out riding our bike. The house we went to depended on the shift her dad was working at the Northern Natural Plant. If he had worked midnights he would be sleeping when we got out of school so it was play time at my house or we were on the bikes riding all over town.

When I was in beauty school I found a new best friend the first day we arrived. She was from Greensburg, our rival town, but we hit it off right away and decided to get an apartment together. It was a great match and we became fast friends during the days we lived there and went to school and it continued after we went our separate ways.

After I was married and we’d lived here in Hutchinson for a few years we discovered that a class mate of my husband lived in Abbyville. When we were in high school she had lived on the same block as we did. She lived across the street from my husband and about 3 houses north of me on the same side of the street.

But after school we’d lost track of each other and when we discovered that we were living this close the friendship was on again. Her husband and my husband both love to play golf so they golf together one day a week, usually Monday, and my shopping buddy(BFF) and I, hit the road to shop in surrounding areas once a week, usually on Wednesday, if we can.

She and I have even taken short vacations together and as a foursome we have taken long trips together and have had a lot of fun. But…. Girls Day Out is special to both of us. When I was working all the time it was always the same day because it was my only day off during the week.

Now that I am retired we can pick and choose our day out together but for some reason it seems to be mostly on the same day that we used to take when I was working. I guess old habits are hard to break, and it seems to break up the week nicely for us.

If we have to take the Girls day on another day other than Wednesday then we are messed up on the days of the week for the rest of the week. Thank heavens I mark each day off the calendar in the evening so I know what day it is when I get up.

Our day out together usually includes a day of shopping somewhere besides here in Hutch and lunch. We leave around 9-9:30 and spend the day together, not getting home until around 4 in the afternoon. We are not happy if we have run out of things to do and end up getting home before that time.

We have been known to shop some stores we don’t usually go to or stop for pie and a glass of tea somewhere to be sure we don’t roll into Hutchinson before the 4:00 time frame. That way we can pick up supper on the way home and it is a no cooking day for us or the husbands.

I can remember a few of our shopping days that one or both of us bought nothing. But, I need to clarify this for the husbands out there that read this…..buying something is not the point. For most women, and my BFF and I, it is just getting away from the house for some girl time.

We can spend hours just looking and trying on and seeing what is out there. We both make mental or written notes of things that we find interesting with someone or a holiday or birthday in mind so we can go back without the other one to buy it.

My favorite thing to do is to find something for my BFF for her birthday or Christmas and buy it right under her nose. Most of the clerks get a kick out of being in on the game. When I check out it is already in the bag and my BFF doesn’t know it is in there.

Girl’s day is all about talking and laughing and having lunch together. I hope every woman has a BFF that they can have a day out with every week or so. It is the best of times to get together with your best friend for a girls day out. To Contact Sandy: [email protected]


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