Water Garden Tour


Mankind’s fascination with water is almost as old as civilization itself. Current headlines only cover the extremes–droughts or flooding–but there are more intrinsic, positive values associated with water, those that bring a sense of  peace to chaos in our modern lives.


This is exactly what the Kansas Pond Society hopes to demonstrate with their 2017 Water Garden Tour on Fathers Day weekend, June 17th and 18th. For the nominal fee of $10 a carload, the Kansas Pond Society has plotted  an adventurous route  of water features, all designed to inspire, even teach causal area gardeners the rudimentary basics  in creating a water sanctuary in their own back yard.


Featured on the tour are distinct sites, from water gardens  with gorgeous hardscaping and gardens with hidden ‘secrets,’ to the studio of a one-of-a-kind inspirational ‘Steampunk’ artist who proves that adults can indeed have fun in their own yards!


Another motivation for the Water Garden Tour is helping to fight childhood cancer by hosting  Alex’s Lemonade Stands at two tour-sites.  Alexandra “Alex” Flynn Scott was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a pediatric cancer, two days before her first birthday. In spite of her own failing health, she decided to open a lemonade stand to raise money to help children with cancer. In spite of her death at the age of eight,  her legacy continues with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. This is a registered 501(c)3 charity and has raised more than $100 million toward fulfilling her dream of finding a cure.


Mike Kandt, KPS president, says the KPS is a garden club dedicated to helping others have a more successful experience in building and maintaining ponds:. “Our club members have considerable experience,” he says, “We share problems, and solutions.” The KPS meets the first Saturday of the each month. Besides monthly programs, the club offers road trips to a variety of locations and events.  Kandt summed up the club’s benefits: “Overall, we just try to have fun.” The Kansas Pond Society is one of  the largest garden clubs in the Wichita Area Garden Council, with  more than 25 years sharing a mission to support Botanica while promoting water gardening.


Tickets and maps for the Water Garden Tour can be purchased at Hong’s Nursery, both Johnson’s Garden Centers, Scenic Landscapes, and Tails and Scales Pet Shop in Derby.The garden sites on the tour are open between  9a.m., and 5 p.m., Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, June 17th and 18th.


Note to media editors: We will provide a specific site location, along with accessibility to its owner, or subject matter expert Mike Kandt for interviews upon request, along with a representative from Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Also, JPG’s of the sites are available. Please contact one of the following for additional information:


Mike Kandt            (316)      619-7501              [email protected]                  

Waunita Wright    (316)      733-6626              [email protected]

Ron Williams          (316) 755-2476                       [email protected]


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