Those old Swiss Volhynian recipes – how to make them


“My Centennial Cookbook is falling apart.  Can we get another?”  asked Judy Goering of Moundridge.  So the Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association (SMCHA) board members talked about how to solve that problem.  The answer was “Swiss Volhynian Favorite Recipes,” which includes 23 of our favorites.  PLUS, we attached two DVDs of our expert cooks demonstrating how to make bohna beroggi, cheese and kraut beroggi, poppy seed rolls, and kurivi (traditional “wedding cake”—frosted sweet bread with corn candy on top).  Frequently we were able to enjoy these foods at family reunions or at Christmas at Grandma’s but now Grandma might not be home anymore and we can’t quite remember how to make these.  And our children have moved all over the country and are not here Sunday dinner to experience the specialties.

The SMCHA answer was Jeanette Krehbiel Wedel from Hesston who can supply most any baked goods, but is known for her Kurivi.  As owner of the Mixing Bowl Bakery in Hesston, Kansas, for many years, she has developed the best Swiss Volhynian recipes you find in this Favorite Recipes book.

What great Christmas gifts this beautiful new book would be for our children and grandchildren.  Just $20.  Call Kathy Goering (620-345-8532) or Jeanette Wedel (620-217-2445) to order some.  You’ll be glad to keep the traditional baking on the family table.


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