Kansas Partners in PRIDE award winners announced


PRIDE Program provides funding for projects.

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Author, Bo Bennett once said, “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.”

That attitude is present in cities and towns across Kansas and in some cases, the work they are doing is being rewarded. For their efforts in improving their communities, volunteer groups in three towns have been awarded Partners in PRIDE funds by the Kansas PRIDE program.

The Kansas PRIDE program is a partnership of K-State Research and Extension, the Kansas Department of Commerce, Kansas PRIDE, Inc., and the Kansas Masons. Through the program, communities identify what they want to preserve, create or improve for the future. Volunteers form a local PRIDE organization that works with K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Department of Commerce to accomplish its goals.

The fall 2017 Partners in PRIDE award projects include:

  • Grainfield PRIDE – ADA Compliant Ramp for Community Building
  • Lakin PRIDE – Main Street Watering System
  • McFarland PRIDE- Picnic Area and Shelter House Improvements

“Partners in PRIDE grants are mini-grants intended to be used by local PRIDE communities to address a need that has been identified through a community planning process,” said Jaime Menon, Kansas PRIDE program co-coordinator. The grants are provided by Kansas PRIDE, Inc. as a one-to-one match with communities that can provide funding or sweat equity for up to the maximum amount of $2,000 per project. PIP grant applications are available in two rounds of funding per year. To date nearly $66,000 have been awarded to PRIDE community projects.


More information about Kansas PRIDE and how Kansas communities can be involved is available at www.kansasprideprogram.ksu.edu or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KansasPRIDE or by calling 785-532-5840.


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