Central Christian College of Kansas Places in 34 Events at the 67th Annual Kansas PBL State Leadership Conference



McPherson, KS – Central Christian College of Kansas is pleased to announce that Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Club placed in 34 events at the 67th Annual Kansas PBL State Leadership Conference on March 10, 2018 at Butler Community College.

Central entered 15 students into the competition (Blair Austin Draper, Antonio Ramirez, CiCi Long, Courtney Lovejoy, Cursstyn Jorgensen, J.P Ray, Jaycie Rue, Jeff McClure, Jody Bohnenblust, Kameron Kraus, Macae Fisher, Meghan Morey, Priscilla Castillo, Stephan Rhymer, and Todd P. Nelson) at the Leadership Conference.

The students placed in 34 events, bringing back (14) first-place medals, (12) second-place medals, and (8) third-place medals. Jody Bohnenblust and Meghan Morey placed first in four events, Courtney Lovejoy placed in all five of her events, and Jody Bohnenblust, J.P Ray, and Courtney Lovejoy received the Who’s Who award for their exemplary service to the Kansas PBL.

“Central Christian took a group of 15 students and all 15 qualified for Nationals,” says Heath Whitehouse, Business Professor at Central Christian College, “Overall, the Leadership Conference was a success and we look forward to going to Nationals in Baltimore this summer.”

All of the students placed first or second in at least one event, which qualifies them for a spot in Nationals. The 2018 National Leadership Conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland this summer.

Below are the placements of each student in the event and the topic in which they placed:

Student or Team Name                                       Placement                                    Event Category

Austin Draper                                                                       3rd                          Job Interview

Austin Draper, Antonio Ramirez                                       2nd                         Human Resource Management

CiCi Long                                                                                3rd                          Information Management

CiCi Long                                                                                3rd                          Retail Management

CiCi Long                                                                                1st                           Website Design

Courtney Lovejoy                                                                3rd                          Business Communication

Courtney Lovejoy                                                                3rd                          Marketing Concepts

Courtney Lovejoy                                                                1st                           Statistical Analysis

J.P. Ray                                                                                   2nd                         Contemporary Sports Issues

J.P. Ray                                                                                   2nd                         Justice Administration

J.P. Ray, Macae Fisher                                                         1st                           Business Law

J.P. Ray, Meghan Morey                                                     1st                           Emerging Business Issues

Jaycie Rue                                                                             2nd                         Retail Management

Jeff McClure                                                                         2nd                         Information Management

Jody Bohnenblust                                                                1st                           Management Concepts

Jody Bohnenblust,                                                               1st                           Strategic Analysis & Decision Making

Courtney Lovejoy, J.P. Ray

Jody Bohnenblust,                                                               1st                           Hospitality Management

Cursstyn Jorgensen, Austin Draper

Jody Bohnenblust, Meghan Morey                                   1st                           Business Sustainability

Kameron Kraus                                                                     2nd                         Entrepreneurship Concepts

Kameron Kraus                                                                     2nd                         Marketing Concepts

Kameron Kraus                                                                     2nd                         Personal Finance

Macae Fisher                                                                        3rd                          Contemporary Sports Issues

Meghan Morey                                                                    1st                           Sports Management & Marketing

Meghan Morey, Courtney Lovejoy,  Jaycie Rue             1st                           Social Media Challenge

Priscilla Castillo                                                                     1st                           Desktop Publishing

Priscilla Castillo                                                                     2nd                         Marketing Analysis & Decision Making

Stephen Rhymer                                                                  1st                           Computer Concepts

Stephen Rhymer                                                                  2nd                         Macroeconomics

Stephen Rhymer                                                                  1st                           Marketing Concepts

Todd P. Nelson                                                                     3rd                          Accounting for Professionals

Todd P. Nelson                                                                     2nd                         Financial Concepts

Todd P. Nelson                                                                     3rd                          Public Speaking

Todd P. Nelson, Kameron Kraus, Jaycie Rue                   2nd                         Business Ethics

Local Chapter Business Report                                          1st


Institutions in attendance at the 2018 Annual Kansas PBL State Leadership Conference include: Emporia State University, Labette Community College, Flint Hills Technical College, University of Kansas, Ft. Hays State University, Tabor College, Butler County College and Seward County College.


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