New Commissioners Elected to Kansas Commodity Commissions


The Kansas Department of Agriculture has announced the result of the elections held for the state’s five grain commodity commissions — corn, grain sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers and wheat — in districts four, five and six in the central region of the state.

Kansas Corn Commission
District Four: Mike Brzon, Republic County
District Five: Terrance Vinduska, Marion County
District Six: Kent Moore, Pratt County

Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission
District Four: Stephen Bigge, Rooks County
District Six: Max Tjaden, Sedgwick County

Kansas Soybean Commission
District Four: Ronald Ohlde, Washington County
District Five: Keith Miller, Barton County
District Six: Dennis Gruenbacher, Sedgwick County

Kansas Sunflower Commission
No candidates ran for commissioner in districts four, five, or six. The Kansas Sunflower Commission will appoint these positions.

Kansas Wheat Commission
District Four: Michael McClellan, Rooks County
District Five: Doug Keesling, Rice County
District Six: Martin Kerschen, Sedgwick County

For more information on the new commissioners, please visit the KDA website at Commissioners serve three-year terms and the terms will commence on April 1, 2020.


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