Kansas Wheat


Day 2, Kansas Wheat Harvest Report


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This is day 2 of the Kansas Wheat Harvest Reports, brought to you by the Kansas Wheat Commission, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and the Kansas Grain and Feed Association.


Kansas wheat harvest really started rolling in the southern counties of the state over the past weekend. Early reports are that quality is good, with exceptional test weights, average to above average yields and protein levels slightly below average.


According to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, for the week ending June 14, 2020, winter wheat condition rated 6% very poor, 15% poor, 34% fair, 40% good and 5% excellent. Winter wheat coloring was 89%, ahead of 70% last year, and near 85% for the five-year average. Mature was 32%, ahead of 16% last year. Harvested was 9%, ahead of 1% last year, and near 8% average.


Mike Snell at Farmers Coop Equity Co. in Medicine Lodge in Barber County, reports that harvest finally got going on Saturday, June 13, and has been rolling since then. He expects it will continue for the next 2 weeks. While no one has mentioned yields yet, he said they should be decent. The area saw a really good spring with timely rains and cool temperatures during the grain fill period. He said, test weights so far have been “phenomenal,” averaging about 64 pounds per bushel. Overall, the area is looking at a pretty good crop; however, protein levels are slightly below average at about 10.5%.


Gary Beachner at Beachner Grain in Parsons in Labette County reports that harvest really started on Friday, June 12 and through the weekend in their southern counties, Montgomery, Labette and southern Wilson County. Neighboring counties to the north will likely begin by Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Weather permitting, this will be “the harvest weekend” in the area.


About 85% of their wheat is hard red winter, and the variety Everest makes up over half of those acres. The remaining 15% is soft red winter. So far, quality is good, with test weights on HRW averaging 62.5 pounds per bushel and SRW averaging 60 pounds per bushel. Protein is averaging 10.5 to 11%, and yields are near average.


Mike Schlochtermeier from Meade Coop Elevator & Supply Co. in Meade County, reports that harvest is coming on fairly rapidly in the area, and they are nearing 30% complete. With the hot dry weather, harvest should be about half-way complete by the end of the week. He estimates that yields in the area are going to be above the 5-year average. He also said, “test weights are phenomenal,” with the house average of 62.75 pounds so far. This includes their three locations of Missler, Meade and Engelwood. Protein levels are slightly below average, with the house average of 11%.


The 2020 Harvest Report is brought to you by the Kansas Wheat Commission, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and the Kansas Grain and Feed Association. To follow along with harvest updates on Twitter, use # wheatharvest20. Tag us at @kansaswheat on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to share your harvest story and photos.




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