Outdoor News: Pheasant stockings; Upland Slam hunter; waterfowl season dates

Nebraska Game and Parks


LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will release rooster pheasants on 16 wildlife management areas prior to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

The 16 areas are: Powder Creek, (Dixon County), Oak Valley (Madison County), Wilkinson (Platte County), George Syas (Nance County), Sherman Reservoir (Sherman County), Pressey (Custer County), Cornhusker (Hall County), Kirkpatrick Basin North (York County), Peru Bottoms (Nemaha County), Randall W. Schilling (Cass), Branched Oak (Lancaster County), Yankee Hill (Lancaster County), Arrowhead (Gage County), Hickory Ridge (Johnson County), Twin Oaks (Johnson County), and Rakes Creek (Cass County).

To view a map of the pheasant release sites, visit OutdoorNebraska.org/upland and click on the “pheasant releases” tab.

The pheasants will be released to enhance hunting opportunities over the Thanksgiving (Nov. 26) holiday weekend and encourage families to spend time together in the field. Non-toxic shot is required at Kirkpatrick Basin North, Peru Bottoms, Randall W. Schilling, and Wilkinson, but otherwise all usual regulations apply.

Nebraska’s pheasant, quail, and prairie grouse seasons run through Jan. 31, 2021. Permits and applicable stamps may be purchased at OutdoorNebraska.org. For more information on these and other publicly accessible lands throughout Nebraska, visit
OutdoorNebraska.org/PublicAccessAtlas or contact Game and Parks at 402-471-0641


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