The Button Box


(Found the basic Commandments and added a little to them, enjoy)

 # 1: Talk to yourself. Because there are times we need expert advice and there is no one around that is capable of giving it. Some people think they know everything, but no one knows it all. So we need to take our own advice because it is usually right for us.

# 2: In Style” is the clothes that fit.  When we become seniors our style is usually what fits and is in our closet. Most of our closets are full of items that don’t fit but we don’t want to get rid of them because we might get back into them. WRONG! So, I usually go through my closet every spring. If I didn’t wear it in the last year I’m probably not going to wear it again and it is gone. This time in our life is all about comfort.

# 3: We don’t need anger management. We need people to stop irritating us. I am pretty sure we don’t need anger management; our tempers are alive and well. Now that we are seniors and retired, people want us to take on jobs. Or they think they are always right and that is irritating and gets our temper riled up.

# 4: Our people skills are just fine but our tolerance for idiots needs work.  We have never been very tolerant of idiots. But as we have become seniors our tolerance has become less and less until now it is zero tolerance.

# 5: We don’t have to write anything down. We will remember it. How many times have we said that and then can’t remember it when we need to. It will eventually come to us but it sure makes us mad when we can’t think of something when we need to. Now we write notes on the calendar and stick notes on the fridge and computer desk so we don’t forget appointments.

# 6: On time is when we get there. We used to always be early when we had an appointment but can’t seem to get it all together now to get there early. We are always on time but it makes us nervous not being early like we used to be. So our new mantra is; we are on time when we get there.

#7: Even duct tape can’t fix stupid….but it sure muffles the sound.  It is amazing how many people open their mouth before they engage their brain. Working all our lives taught us to think twice before we said something so we didn’t hurt someone’s feelings or say something we would regret.

#8: Put ourselves in the dryer and come out wrinkle free and three sizes smaller. Isn’t that a wonderful thought? No more dieting and worrying about how much weight we have gained. Just jump in the dryer for 10 minutes and be back to the size we want to be and wrinkle free.

# 9: We have noticed people our age look and act so much older than we do. Why do they seem to be aging more than we are? We are not sure we will ever be ready to be a senior citizen……. even though we are there.

# 10: Growing old should have taken longer. How did we get to this age when it seems like just yesterday we were in our 40’s? It feels like the years have just flown by and we have no idea what happened to the years in between.

# 11: Aging has slowed us down, but hasn’t shut us up. We are not afraid to speak our minds and put our thoughts out there. But sometimes we slip up and say the wrong thing. Chalk that up to our age. Hopefully most people will take what a senior says with a grain of salt.

# 12: We still haven’t learned to act our age (and hope we never will).  It is boring to always act your age, especially when you get past 60. So this is the time to cut loose and have fun. People will just blame it on our age.

So these are the 12 commandments for seniors. But every senior has earned the right to write their own. Enjoy the age you are now, you have earned it. To contact Sandy: [email protected]


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