Evenings at Ease: Rise of the Nazi Party and Propaganda

Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and Boyhood Home


“Hopelessness makes men prey to any promise of better existence, even the most false and spurious.”
~ Dwight Eisenhower, April 21, 1956

Abilene, Kan. – The next program in the Evenings at Ease series is Tuesday, April 13 at 7 p.m. central time featuring guest speaker Dr. Shelly Cline. This online presentation will begin right at 7 o’clock, so please sign in 10 minutes early.

Perhaps the biggest misconception of Nazi Germany is that the Nazi party came to power in a landslide victory and overwhelming wave of public support. This talk will look at the conditions of Germany in the 1920s and 1930s that made Nazism possible. It will also explore many examples of propaganda used by the Nazis to gain the support of the people for their new vision of Germany.

Dr. Cline is the Historian and Director of Education at the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education in Overland Park, Kan. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. Her research focuses on the SS Aufseherinnen in the concentration camp system and the gendered perpetration of the Holocaust. Her research has been supported by grants from the University of Kansas (KU) and Universität Hamburg. Cline has been an instructor in the KU Humanities Program and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department. She also served on the faculties of the Kansas City Art Institute and University of Missouri Kansas City.

URL: meet.google.com/buv-wkkh-cgw
Phone: 617-675-4444‬ (PIN: ‪‪‪‪225 170 016 5641#)
[Please join 10 minutes early so the program may begin on time.]

The 2021 Evenings at Ease series is made possible courtesy of the Eisenhower Foundation with generous support from the Jeffcoat Foundation.

About the Eisenhower Presidential Library

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum is one of 15 Presidential Libraries operated by the National Archives and Records Administration. Presidential Libraries promote understanding of the presidency and the American experience. They preserve and provide access to historical materials, support research, and create interactive programs and exhibits that educate and inspire. Public programs and exhibits at the Eisenhower Presidential Library are made possible in part through the generous support of the Eisenhower Foundation. To learn more, visit eisenhowerlibrary.gov.

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