Dreams of a Better Tomorrow


Dylan Yoder

In today’s article, we look at dreams. More specifically, we look at the dreams of people around us. I’m not necessarily talking about sleep either. As we all know dreams can come in many different forms. We can wish for change, we can wish for possessions, and we can dream of obtaining things we know we will never have. However, today is not one such day. Today we’re going to take a look at some dreams that a lot of us have, and how they may not be as far away as they seem.
Starting with the most obvious one, travel bans/COVID restrictions. As of May 5th, the CDC reported just over one hundred million full vaccinations for the coronavirus. Now, regardless of whether or not you like vaccines or agree with them, more vaccinations do mean a faster return to normalcy. For a lot of us, normalcy is already pretty much here. However, we can’t travel to other areas without certain restrictions in place. Canada for example has recurringly extended their closed border policy throughout 2020 and well into 2021. But with the higher numbers of vaccinations in both nations, the Senate has been making pushes for Biden and Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau to work something out.
If you’re like me, you enjoy a bit of humor every now and then. This is also why I have adopted an unhealthy binge-watching habit of YouTube comedy. But online media won’t be the only source of live shows in the near future. Famous comedian John Mulaney has made a comeback to the live stage after making it back from rehab. He announced a series of upcoming shows, all of which have sold out faster than you could say your favorite knock-knock joke. Don’t let that stop you from looking this guy up though, he’s pretty funny. Believe me, I don’t use the term “comedy gold” very often, but it fits magnificently here.
If you’re interested in space or have paid even the slightest attention to NASA news, you probably know who Elon Musk is. You know, the guy who started a bunch of companies and runs SpaceX and Tesla? Yeah, it’s him. Anyways, there’s no doubt about it that Musk has got some dreams. There’s also little doubt that he’s going to be the one to achieve those dreams. One such dream, one that we’ve known for a while now, is his dream of getting to Mars. Achieving the first manned mission to another planet. How bizarre is that? Recently, Elon has taken to Twitter in expressing his dreams, talking about wanting to “make humanity a multiplanet species”. How amazing would it be to witness humans living on Mars in our lifetime? For the first time in all of known history, we would become the first race of living things, to live on more than one planet.
Overall, we dream about a lot of things. I for one, think flying cars would be nice to have. Weren’t those supposed to be a thing by now? Where are my flying cars, scientists of 1970? Just kidding. But really though, we think about so many cool things day in and day out. We often just write them off as unimportant or time-wasting when in reality, it could be the very thing that helps us succeed in life. Don’t let go of your dreams. Maybe you don’t dream of that kind of stuff, maybe you don’t have your “head in the clouds”. That’s ok, so long as you’re having fun with what you are doing. We only get one shot at life. Why not make it worth it?


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