Council Grove Youth Rodeo To Be August 6

Down the Draw


A youth rodeo is planned Saturday evening, Aug. 6, at 6 o’clock, in the Morris County Rodeo Arena east of Council Grove.
Sponsored by the Morris County Youth Rodeo Association, divisions are planned for juniors, eight and under; intermediate, nine to 13; and seniors, 14 to 19, said Lisa Wainwright, entry coordinator.
Events include steer riding, goat tail untying, goat tying, breakaway roping, barrel racing, pole bending, chute dogging, calf roping and team roping.
A $3 entry fee per contestant in each event is to be charged. With no payback, working prizes will be awarded the top four placing participants in each competition.
All-around cowgirl and cowboy are to receive special awards in all divisions.
A $5 admission donation will be accepted at the gate for entrance by all contestants, parents, and spectators.
Entries with payment and release form are required in advance to Lisa Wainwright, 1379 Old Highway 4, Council Grove, Kansas, 66846.
Information is available at [email protected].

Cowboys and cowgirls from throughout eastern Kansas are expected for the youth rodeo sponsored by the Morris County Youth Rodeo Association Saturday evening, Aug. 6, at Council Grove.


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