Roger's View from the Hills





I write this with the same attitude I have with a rabid skunk. Yes if you guessed politics you are right. It would be nice if we had just one year of no campaigns. I find that having my intelligence insulted as a particularly unpleasant affair. I don’t think that having people who are detached from reality trying to tell me how to live my life.

If you are well fed I don’t think that you have any business telling farmers and ranchers how to do their business. If you have never served or made a sacrifice for someone other than yourself I do not think that you have any business sending our young people to war. Yes there is justified war but if your experience is protesting at a college or blocking a highway, you have no business making policy decisions.

The new religion of planet earth or being a greeny does not give you the right to try and destroy a civilization that has been improving for decades and mostly by self initiative. The first word about the new world government was announced just a few months ago. The Netherlands are becoming the first in the devastating actions of the Green Movement. 12,500 farms in the country are planned on being taken away from the farmers and 12,500 farms will be shut down. How many farms in the Netherlands? 12,500.

The latest announcement is that 200,000 cattle will be killed in Ireland in order to help with the global warming. Really?

In the sales job that is taking place right now that wants you to eat crickets. Watch package labels closely because it will soon be included in place of flour.

Last week they showed the new chicken that is being grown in tanks from cloned chicken. Look for the new Frankin chicken in your nuggets real soon.

There was too much of an uproar when they talked about banning gas stoves. So they will be regulated out of your home soon by the out of control government agencies who bypass the Congress and make it impossible for free enterprise to thrive on its own.

Spending the last two weeks in the hospital and rehab has brought my conviction into focus that the world is even more dominated by Satan and so many have sold their souls and are not even aware of it.

One presidential candidate has something I fully support. If elected he has made the vow that every government agency will be cut by 50%. There are government agencies that need to be totally abolished.

It is high time to enacted term limits and return to citizen legislators. Time for a convention of states!


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