Clock’s a’Ticking

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

Time seems to be speeding up toward Saturday, Sept. 16. That’s the date for our big Milo Yield Damphewmore Acres downsizing auction. We’ve got a lot done preparing for the auction, but there’s a lot more to do and it doesn’t seem like much time to get it all done.
One part of the auction is decided. Everything for sale will be close to the house. That’s because we have more household related “stuff” for sale than we do farm and garden “stuff.” And, thanks to our huge garage, a lot of the auction can be held indoors. The sale starts at 10 a.m.
We have a regular auction ad running this week in the paper where you can read the auction listing (aka: Thayne & Sharon Cozart). But, for folks who just want to know the general categories of auction listings, here they are: furniture and household, music boxes, shadow boxes, huge selection of wall hangings, 2 firearms, hunting/fishing/recreation, trolling motor, wildlife art prints and decoys, commemorative knives, lawn and garden tools, hand tools, cattle panels, tomato cages, fencing, stock tank, golf cart, and Rhino rotary mower, storage shelves.
Our new home is getting closer and closer to completion. If the construction schedule holds to plan, we should be able to move into our new digs near Riley, Kan., the first week of October. That date will be here before we know it.
In sorting through all my old papers and items I’ve saved down through the decades, I keep finding outdated material that I think deserves to go into my columns. Though outdated, it’s still pertinent to the rural community.
With the fall crop harvest already underway, and with all types of agriculturists keenly watching the commodity markets daily, I thought this piece that I found, entitled “Murphy’s Laws For Commodity Traders,” would hit a sweet spot. The paper clipping that I discovered said the author was unknown. Be that as it may, here it is.
All points listed below hinge around this Commodity Market Axiom: “The market goes your way the day after your stop is hit. Corollary: The big move begins the day after your option expires.”
l. It is morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.
2. Everybody has a trading strategy that won’t work.
3. For every expert who says the market is going up, there is one who says it’s going down.
4. If you can drink it, don’t trade it.
5. If you are tempted to play with bellies, go find your spouse.
6. The successful speculator is one who dies before his time comes.
7. He who sells uncovered options goes broke.
8. If you feel like doubling up on a profitable position, slam your dialing finger in your desk drawer, or hit it with a hammer, until the feeling goes away.
9. The perfect strategy works every time until you start using it.
10. If your strategy seems to be working well, you haven’t been using it long enough. .
11. The guy who owns the horse when it dies is the loser.
12. When it comes to luck or skill, you can’t beat luck.
13. Livestock won’t eat $4 corn or $400 soybean meal.
14. When the plate of cookies goes around the table, take a couple.
15. When the market is wrong, it doesn’t pay to be right.
16. He who sells what isn’t his’n, pays the price or goes to prison.
17. Be right — sit tight.
18.The best way to make a small fortune is to start with a large one.
19. He who knows, doesn’t tell; he who tells, doesn’t know.
20. When you’re hot, you’re hot; when you’re not, take a vacation.
21. The market knows more than the sum total of everyone watching it.
22. What everyone knows, ain’t worth knowing.
23. The market will do whatever it has to in order to fool the majority.
24. Fundamentals are seldom what they appear to be, and are never fun.
25. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.
26. The first five letters of”broker” spell “broke.”
27. The market punishes those who make mistakes.
Another item I found says this: “Young adults and teenagers, if you are tired of being hassled by unreasonable parents, now it the time for action. Leave home and pay your own way while you still know everything.”
That saying applied to”young” me. I headed to college at 17 and knew it all. Today, six decades later, I realize that back then I knew much about nuthin’.
Today, I know so much that I spend a lot of time complaining. Perhaps, I’ve become one of those persons Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President in the Nixon administration, was citing when he said, wisely: “In the United States today we have more than our share of Nattering Nabobs of negativity.” Have a good ‘un.


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