Chronicles of The Farm Woman: The Chicken Contest


Is there a country child in Lyon county who hasn’t enrolled in the chicken contest?  Well, yes, there is one down this way.  She hopes that it doesn’t close down on Saturday before she gets to town.  The waiting line extended halfway to the alley last Saturday and we haven’t seen a committee as busy since the day of the school parade at the time of the 4-H fair.

Every country kid, 10 years old and over, is going to raise a brood of White Rocks this summer.  There will be tall tales to tell as well as chickens to exhibit at the poultry show next fall.

Hens do not seem to want to set this spring.  They have joined the modernists and refuse to sit on the nest for three long weeks.  They prefer to be classed as layers, and turn the setting and chick raising business over to the mass production industries.  They welcome this contest.

Speaking of contests, this chick contest seems to be about the best one we have ever heard.  We are so fed up with soap contests that we’ve a notion to join the army of small boys and go with our neck dirty.  Every time we buy a bar of soap or a package of soap chips we are con-tributing toward a shiny new car for some one and a new kitchen for some one else.  This chick contest is different.  Every child who enters this receives 25 fluffy baby chicks and has a chance of winning prizes next fall.

Every child should have the responsibility and care of some little animal or fowl.  It is part of the training of the universe.  The pride of possession, the observation of growth from day to day and the knowledge that a helpless creature depends upon him for pro-tection and food; this is a heritage intended by the creator.

This contest will be followed with interest.


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