Rick Funk Memorial Youth and Women’s Pheasant Hunt, Ocotber 4


Activities will be available for all family members in attendance

PRATT – The Johnson County chapter of Pheasants Forever (PF) is hosting an Outdoor Family Fun Day and Rick Funk Memorial Youth and Women’s Pheasant Hunt Saturday, October 4 and invite you to join. Both family activities and hunts will take place at Eckman’s Hunting Preserve, 988 E. 1900 Rd., Baldwin City, from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.?

Youth hunts will be open to hunters age 12-15 with an adult sponsor. Women’s hunts will also be offered. Space is limited and hunts will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For information on license requirements, visit ksoutdoors.com and click “Services/Education/Hunter.”

The days activities will begin with a hunter safety refresher, warm?up clay shooting, followed by morning and afternoon hunts. Those not hunting may shoot additional clays or enjoy the family fun day activities, including GPS geocaching, an archery range pellet gun shooting and a casting challenge.

There is no cost to attend this event and lunch will be provided. Registered youth will receive a PF Ringnecks membership and be eligible for a gun raffle.

For more information, or to find out how you can help contribute to this event, visit jocopheasantsforever.org, or contact event coordinator, Jim Milazzo, at (913) 636?3369 or by email at [email protected].

Source: Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism


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