Australia during WWII discussion of brown bag lunch


ABILENE,Kan. –  Peter Dean, a Fulbright scholar from Australia, will lead a brown bag discussion on Australia’s role during World War II on Tuesday, Nov. 4. The program will begin at noon in the Eisenhower Presidential Library Visitors Center Auditorium. The public is invited to bring their lunch and join this free program.


Peter Dean is a Fellow in the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Senior Lecturer at the Australian Command and Staff College and the current Fulbright Scholar in Australia-United States Alliance Studies. His major research and teaching interests are in Australian strategic policy, the ANZUS Alliance, military operations and defence studies. Dean is the series editor of the Melbourne University Press Defence Studies Series as well as a managing editor of the journal Security Challenges and editorial board memeber of the journal Global War Studies. He has published his work in areas such as Security Challenges, U.S. Naval War College Review, War & Society, Australian Policy and History and Global War Studies as well as sites such as the East Asia Forum, The Strategist, The Diplomat and The Interpreter.


Dean is the author of four books:  Australia’s Defence: A New Era? (Melbourne University Press, 2014), The Architect of Victory (Cambridge University Press, 2011), Australia 1942: In the Shadow of War (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and Australia 1943: The Liberation of New Guinea (Cambridge University Press, 2013).


He teaches courses on military operations & expeditionary warfare and on Australia’s strategic alliances. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and in 2011 he was the recipient of a citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s Australian Awards for University Teaching.


This program supplements the World War II Remembered: Leaders, Battles & Heroes and Be Ye Men of Valour: The Allies of WWII exhibits currently on display. These programs and exhibits are only made possible through private donations to the Eisenhower Foundation. The World War II Remembered exhibits have a number of extremely generous sponsors including the Emma Balsiger Foundation, Dane G. Hansen Foundation, and the William T. Kemper Foundation. A complete list of exhibit donors and information on how you can be a sponsor can be found on


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