CHENEY RESERVOIR -fishing report



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CHENEY RESERVOIR – Last Updated: 10/23/2014

Fishing Newsletter All KDWPT fisheries districts are offering a fishing newsletter that can be sent out to all that want it. The newsletters are aimed at keeping anglers informed about fishing opportunities and information in their areas of interest. The first few editions of the Cheney Fisheries District have been completed and are ready for distribution.
Zebra Mussels Zebra mussels can be found attached to rocks lakewide. Zebra mussel veligers are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and they can be found in boat livewells, minnow buckets, boat bilges, water toys, and anything else that is capable of holding even a small amount of water. Be sure to drain all equipment before leaving the lake to avoid moving veligers to other waters. THIS INCLUDES MINNOW BUCKETS, BOAT LIVEWELLS, AND BILGES!!! Zebra mussel numbers have decreased at Cheney; however, anglers and boaters should still use caution to avoid moving adults and veligers from the lake.

Click HERE to learn how to prevent the spread of zebra mussels.

White Bass and Wiper Good Various Quite a few big white bass caught trolling on main points on east side of reservoir.
Walleye Fair Up to 28″ No reports. Walleyes are likely feeding early and late on shallow points. Don’t be afraid to use big baits in the fall.
Crappie Fair Up to 15″ No reports, but fish are likely on deep structure.
Channel Catfish Good Up to 10 lb Drifting cut shad has produced some good catches.  More blue catfish are also showing up in angler catches in the last couple years.  Be sure of your fish identification as the minimum length limit on blue catfish is 35″.
White Perch Netting results this fall indicate that white perch numbers increased this year; however, there are many catchable-size white perch (10+”) in the lake.White perch cannot be used as live bait, but they do make good cut bait. For tips on identifying a white perch from a white bass, wiper or striped bass click HERE.

All white perch in your possession must be dead. It is illegal to posses live white perch.


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