Process deer immediately with electronic registration


Voluntary electronic deer registration allows hunters to transport a carcass without a head attached

PRATT – Recovering a deer following a hunt is a prized moment for any hunter, but in all the excitement, it can be easy to forget the steps to follow after a harvest. One important regulation deer hunters should be aware of is deer must be tagged before being moved from the site of the kill. Unless a hunter has an either-sex permit, the head must remain attached to the carcass while in transit to a residence or place of commercial processing or preservation. In an effort to allow hunters to bone out deer prior to transport, the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) offers a voluntary electronic deer check-in system. To access the electronic deer check-in, visit, and click “Hunting/Big Game/Deer/Deer Check-in.”

Electronic registration is not required but allows hunters to register their deer through the Internet, using photos taken at the harvest site. Once registered, hunters will receive a confirmation number that allows them to transport the carcass without the head attached. If Internet access is unavailable at the kill site, the hunter can retain the photographs while in transit and a registration number can be obtained later.

This registration process requires a hunter to submit two digital photographs — one close-up clearly showing the completed tag attached to the deer and a second showing the entire body of the deer with the head still attached. Once logged on to the KDWPT website, a hunter must submit the photos and enter the KDWPT number from their permit, time and date of the kill and the county where the deer was taken. A confirmation number will be issued by email when the photos and data are successfully received. This confirmation number must be retained during transportation.

Once these steps are completed, the deer head may be removed and the carcass prepared for transportation. The system allows KDWPT staff to see the deer and the hunter’s completed tag without the time and expense of maintaining a check station. This flexibility is a benefit to both the hunter and KDWPT.

For more information on big game regulations, consult the2014 Kansas Hunting and Furharvesting Regulations Summary, or visit and click “Hunting/Hunting Regulations.”


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