Winners of KDWPT commission big game permit drawing accounced


One elk tag and six deer tags were drawn for 2015

PRATT – Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism commissioners recently met in Bonner Springs on Jan. 8 for the first commission meeting of 2015. During the general discussion period of the meeting, six lucky Kansas-based nonprofit organizations that actively promote wildlife conservation and the hunting and fishing heritage were drawn to receive big game permits. Once drawn, the permits can be used to raise money for the organizations’ conservation efforts, with 15 percent of the sales going directly to the chapter and 85 percent going to KDWPT to be spent on mutually agreed-upon conservation projects. A chapter or organization is eligible to receive only one Commission Big Game permit in a three-year period.

2015 Winners are as follows:

Ducks Unlimited – Park City #27, deer permit

Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams – Glacial Hills, deer permit

National Wild Turkey Federation – Augusta, deer permit

National Wild Turkey Federation – El Dorado, elk permit

Pheasants Forever – High Plains Roosters #663, deer permit

Quail Forever – Brown County, deer permit

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation – Wichita Chapter, deer permit

Public hearing items that were voted on and approved during the evening session include:

The regulation requiring personal identification on setlines trotlines and floatlines was amended to allow anglers to use their KDWPT numbers instead of their name and address.

-In the event that an identification number and decal no longer adheres to a sailboard or kiteboard, the identification number and decal may be carried by, or in the possession of, the person operating the watercraft.

-The regulation describing placement of state park annual vehicle permits was amended to allow permit decals to be placed on the outside of the bottom left of the windshield, accommodating the Park Passport decal.

-2015 Free Park Entrance Day will be April 25, 2015 to coincide with Earth Day and state park open houses. 2015 Free Fishing Days will be June 6 and 7.

To view a video of the Jan. 8 meeting, visit

The next commission meeting is scheduled for March 26, 2015 at the Kansas Museum of History, 6425 SW 6th Ave., Topeka.

Source: Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism


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