Use a Planting Calendar


If you start vegetable plants indoors, it is often helpful to list seeding dates on a calendar so that plants are ready for transplanting at the proper time.
To do this, choose your transplant date and count back the number of weeks necessary to grow your own transplants. For example, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower are usually transplanted in late March to early April. It takes 8 weeks from seeding to transplant size. Plants should be seeded in early February. Information on how many weeks it takes to grow transplants is available in our January 6 newsletter at .

Below are examples of some common vegetables grown for transplants and a recommended date for seeding.  Dates are Saturdays as this is when many homeowners have the most free time. The dates are not set in stone, and a week earlier or later will not ruin the plants. Also, you may want to seed a week or two earlier if you are in southern Kansas and possibly a week later if you are in northern Kansas. Keep notes on how well the transplants did so you can tweak the planting schedule. Your conditions may result in plants that need a bit more or a bit less time. (Ward Upham)

Seeding         Transplant
Crop                     Date          Date
Cabbage, Broccoli
& Cauliflower       February 7        April 4

Lettuce  (if you
grow transplants)  February 7         April 4

Peppers                 March 21         May 16
Tomatoes              March 28         May 9

Local Seed Sources
A couple of weeks ago, we asked for anyone selling seeds in Kansas to contact us with their information.  Following are the companies who provided that information.

Clinton Parkway Nursery
4900 Clinton Parkway (corner of Clinton Parkway & Wakarusa) Phone Number: (785)842-3081
E-mail: [email protected]
In store sales only.
Prepackaged seed only: pre-packaged Renee’s Garden.
Transplants: …a wide variety and assorted sizes!

Jackson’s Greenhouse & Garden Center, Inc.
1933 NW Lower Silver Lake Road
Topeka, KS 66608
785-232-3416  fax 785-233-6348
[email protected]
We have 60+varieties of tomatoes, 60+varieties peppers, much more.

Seeds from Italy
PO box 3908
Lawrence, KS 66046
Phone: 785-748-0959
Fax:   785-748-0609
Web site:

Skinner Garden Store, Inc.
4237 NW Lower Silver Lake Road
Topeka, KS 66618
[email protected]
In store sales only.
Everything we sell is prepackaged, but we can special order many thing in larger quantities.
We sell all kinds of transplants.

(Ward Upham)


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