Concealed Carry with No Permit?


Any of you who get legislative updates from the NRA or the Kansas Rifle

Association (KSRA) have read by now about a new proposed constitutional

amendment here in Kansas, that, if passed will allow concealed weapons to be

carried with no permit. The way the proposal stands now, nothing at all will be

required; no class, no background check and no permit.

Now I’m a gun guy. I hunt deer, turkeys, geese and coyotes and trap as well, so I

have guns for all occasions. I don’t have a concealed carry permit, but I believe

strongly in the privilege. Yes, I said privilege; I believe it’s my 2nd Amendment

right to own guns and to defend myself and my family with one, but I believe it’s

more of a privilege to carry one concealed on my person wherever I go.

Like I said, I’m a gun guy and I believe strongly in being able to carry a concealed

weapon, but I have a problem with this proposed amendment for a couple

reasons. My first issue is with dropping the requirement to take any kind of class

or training before carrying concealed. When I was a kid, I took a coworker

pheasant hunting one day. I didn’t know this guy very well but figured “What

could go wrong?” The guy carried an automatic twelve gauge, and I soon found

that whenever a pheasant or quail erupted near us, he would turn in the general

direction, fire two rounds, then aim! I soon wished I had found out beforehand

how INCOMPETANT he was with a gun. The training class currently required to

carry concealed teaches way more than just how to shoot. They spend a goodly

amount of time on the escalating use of deadly force and on the many things one

must consider before discharging a firearm to protect yourself and your family.

The second problem I have with the proposed amendment is with dropping the

required background check. In 2014, 20,660 concealed carry permits were issued

in Kansas. Also, because of criminal history and felony convictions revealed by

background checks, 82 permits were denied, and because of criminal charges

brought against concealed carry permit holders, 12 permit renewals were denied,

87 permits were suspended and 52 permits were revoked. These statistics are all

public record available on the Kansas attorney generals website. Each time there

is a mass shooting somewhere in our country we all get on our soapboxes, and

rightly so about keeping guns out of the hands of people who should not possess

them. In my opinion, requiring no background checks to carry a concealed

weapon would be a step backwards in that regard.

I spoke with a member of our local law enforcement who said the proposal makes

him a little nervous. He told me it’s already a challenge when stopping someone

carrying a concealed weapon WITH a permit, let alone stopping someone with no

permit available and having to rely solely on the person telling them the truth as

to whether they have a concealed weapon.

Like I said, I believe strongly in being able to carry a concealed weapon, and it

gives me some comfort when I’m out and about in our insane world today

knowing there are people around me who may be able to intervene should I find

myself in a possible life-or-death situation. But, like my experience taking my

coworker hunting, I also want to feel comfort in the fact that those people

carrying a concealed weapon are in all ways competent to possess one.

Steve can be contacted by email at [email protected]


  1. to me it make no sense to remove the requirement for ccw permit, background checks, and training! if a parole, drug adict, bipolar,someone with anger issues etc. etc. they can probably get a gun anyway with a little effort, but why make it easier, no questions asked!?!?


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